This painted turtle is a pic from the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island. More to come.
Time to put up some dolphin pics. We used Nags Head Dolphin Watch, as this is a science-oriented tour. And we saw a lot of dolphins!!!
This fly doesn't bite humans all that much, but boy can it pack a punch if it does! Just look at the needle it uses to feed.
Every so often comics feature bats, but rarely a caving reference. But here is a Speed Bump comic from today:
Which doesn't show up when I post this, so go to: and find the comic for 7/7/2015 He said on the 5th. Got home late from the fireworks, but here is a shot taken from my comfy chair watching all the fun stuff. Yes, bringing a chair to the fireworks is a good thing.
Headed out for some dolphin watching. Nice bit with some up-front stuff. First pic is of what look like Herring gulls And then an osprey on its nest And while this isn't a great pic, seeing a... And as I am out of time to post more tonight, just a pic to show that we did, indeed, see some dolphins. More tomorrow.
This is a very nice place for hiking around, mostly in a forest with ponds, but it does have a trail that ends at the Sound. A few mosquitoes, but not a lot, otherwise a perfect bit for hiking around short trails. One of the things you find omnipresent in the Outer Banks are dragonflies. And the first thing I took a photo of was an Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis). And a cool part of the place are the ponds. Most are covered in green stuff which I won't try to identify. But this makes really wonderful habitat for... And where there are a lot of frogs there are a lot of... There are at least two open water ponds where fishing is allowed. Along the way, there is one thing that not everyone will enjoy. There are rather a lot of... And finally, we popped out of the forest and into... |
AuthorKeith Christenson - Wildlife Biologist Categories
Keith Christenson Wildlife Biologist Archives
September 2021