Firestone Center for Restoration Ecology, Barú, Costa Rica
The FCRE homepage
The FCRE website is maintained by Dr. Donald McFarlane of the Joint Science Department at The Claremont Colleges in Claremont, California, who has been involved in with the field station since it was just an idea. See the FCRE homepage HERE. See pictures of McFarlane HERE.
Pitzer College FCRE/CR page
This page includes links to the Study abroad in Costa Rica program from Pitzer College. HERE
Of particular interest is the link to the history of the area by long-time conservationist Jack Ewing, which is well worth reading. HERE |
See some publications
Although the FCRE is not terribly old, and in fact only works with undergraduate students (and faculty), there are still several interesting publications that have come out from the field station or are of general interest. See a shortLIST OF PUBS.
Also available for purchase on the internet through Blurb! is the FCRE critters book. More on this including the first 15 pages or so can be found at: The Photo Galleries
The photo galleries for the FCRE include places, projects and lots of animals. Not tapirs and jaguars, but mostly smaller, interesting, and often beautiful things like the frogs and insects.