This female dragonfly was hunting and perching in a hedgerow along a grassy field at the Lowville Forestry Demonstration area in New York. Males are red.
Wren's are pretty cute little birds. This juvenile didn't stay around long but just long enough for a photo at the Lowville Forestry Demonstration Area in New York.
This female ruby-throated hummingbird was just sitting and having a look around during the hot mid-day summer sun at the Lowville Forestry Demonstration area in New York.
Took a walk one day at the Lowville Forestry Demonstration Area (Department of Environmental Conservation of New York). Found these two in a very green canal.
Big brown bats are now one of the most common bats in the US northeast, with most of the smaller little brown bats (and other Myotis) gone from White Nose Syndrome.
Kodie Smith is setting up three single-high mist nets over this little pond on the Monongahela National Forest. These little water holes in the otherwise dry upland forest are important places for the bats to come in for a drink as well as hatching off tasty insects. Here we caught five species of bats.
The recent gaps in the blog have bee due to just being busy. I think I have it all sorted out now...
Not a super great shot of the bird, but this yellow-rumped warbler was at the NY Department of Environmental Conservation's demonstration area today.
We really do not care to catch birds in our bat nets, but it happens. This song sparrow flew into my net two evenings in a row. Both times the nets were "closed" which makes for quite the challenging extraction of the bird.
Tonight I was taking some sky shots, and at one point saw Amelia Goebel coming my way. I took a 25 second photo with her in a yellow safety vest and headlamp on walking through the pic which she did not know was going on. Turned out kinda neat so I am putting it up here.
The whole point of my sky pics was to capture a shot with a shooting star in it, but that didn't happen even though we saw dozens of them. |
AuthorKeith Christenson - Wildlife Biologist Categories
Keith Christenson Wildlife Biologist Archives
September 2021