I don't usually post photos of bats with the mouth open as it is less attractive, but this tri-colored bat just would not shut hit trap so he gets to be famous as a loudmouth.
I spent a little time recently in Frackville, Pennsylvania. Lots of churches, and I will put together a single post having a look at some of them soon. For now...
No, this is not Punxsutawney Phil, but a groundhog from Uniontown, PA
Recently there was a full lunar eclipse of a supermoon. Too darn cloudy where I was to see it very well, but a short break gave me an opportunity to at least get a photo of the partial eclipse.
Sorry for the big gap in getting photos up. I just didn't have a decent way to do much over the last week or so. I should be back to daily again now. It is a mouse that can jump like a frog, and is often mistaken for one at first, until you get a look at it. They have a light brown to buffy tan color with reddish highlights, and a very long tail tipped with a white fringe (just visible in the lower left of the picture). Very cute animals.
The false potato beetle, both the adult and larvae, look similar to the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). But here the defining characteristic is that it only has one row of black spots, while the Colorado potato beetle larvae has two rows.
Of note, the Colorado potato beetle is a huge pest species, while the false potato beetle (both are in the same genus) generally is not a pest at all, no matter how creepy looking it is. These beautiful spiders don't spin webs, but like to sit on white flowers and wait for an insect to land. Very camouflaged! This one is a female, as the males are much smaller.
I don't know the species for this salamander. It has interesting markings that don't match up with what I am looking at to ID it. If you know what this its, please post a reply.
Just a short way down from the Camouflage Inn in Stump Creek, is Biggie's Quality Meats. This is a store well worth a stop. Really, stop in if you have the time. But, just to the north of the store, on the east side right along Route 119, is this sign, which may or may not have anything to do with Biggies. So I know what you are thinking. This is just an old (and pretty typical) sign to lead one to a business. And maybe it once said, "OPEN." But...
While a message noting nothing more than "OPEN" is kinda just okay as a sign, the other possibilities for what this sign actually said are open. Maybe it said: Cope. Which would be rather like a sign saying "get over it." Positive in its way, but not a great way of going about it. Dope. Well, let's just not hope that was the word, although speaking of such... Hope. Now that is a really positive thing to put on a sign. Unless the rest of the missing bits were "you survive your trip on Rt. 119." But I want to think positive, and it could have said, "Go Pens," rooting for the Pittsburgh Penguins. And "mope" and "nope" and "rope" seem just silly, and unlikely they were selling, and misspelled "sope." And certainly they did not have a "calliope." So I am left to wonder, was it just open after all? Camouflage InnThe Camouflage Inn is a must visit if you are anywhere near it. Which is to say somewhere north of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and just south of Dubois along route 119.. Yes, it is a bar, so 21 or older to go there. The people you will meet there are awesome, and if you have time they have stories to tell. Plan a couple hours, as this is not a usual bar and well worth the time visiting. This coming weekend is Biker Week, so if you have a Harley or similar you will find many friends there. You can find out what is going on either on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Camouflage-Inn/106484032715075 or their website (which is just getting fired up) at: http://camouflageinn.com/ |
AuthorKeith Christenson - Wildlife Biologist Categories
Keith Christenson Wildlife Biologist Archives
September 2021