The coin is made of an Aluminum/Bronze combination and is about the size of a US quarter coming in at 9g with a diameter of 25mm. On the card that comes with the coin is the mintage "unlimited" but the posted mintage figure for the coin is 17,002. Pretty high number for a specialty bat coin.
Depicted on the reverse is the grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus), which is a large Australian bat with a wing span of up to a meter or so. A favorite food of these bats is the fruit of the Lilly Pilly tree, and that is what is depicted on the reverse as leafy branches with flower/fruit clusters. The bat itself is "pad printed" onto the coin, which is a method of printing in 2D on a 3D object. The bat looks good at a distance, and is accurate and all, but up close it is very noisy and not a very crisp image. Additionally there is the denomination of 1 DOLLAR.
The card it is mounted on contains a number of factoids, many of which are noted here. The side with the bat on it however is quite nice, with a highlighted bat on a field of tree/bats in silhouette. The moon is hiding behind the bat making for the silhouette effect to be very realistic, which begs the question where did the light come from that is shining in the bat's eyes and lighting it up? Trivia, as this is a very nice image.
The rest is readable in the photos below, but the circular hologram just did not like my photographic light. It is a little circle with a kangaroo and emu in the middle on the sides of an Australian emblem and the number "50" which I do not know the meaning of. Surrounding this are the words: official numismatic program Royal Australian Mint